Show of Hands, d.v.s. Steve Knightley och Phil Beer, visar med all tydlighet här att den politiska protest-visan lever i allra högsta grad. En av årets klart bästa låtar hitills!
There was a storm of money raining down
It only touched the ground
With a loan I took I can’t repay
And the crock of gold you found
At every trough you stopped to feed
With your Arrogance, your Ignorance and Greed.
With your bonuses and expenses
You shovelled down your throat
Now you bit the hand that fed you
Dear God I hope you choke
At every trough you stopped to feed
With your Arrogance, your Ignorance and Greed.
I pray one day we’ll soon be free
From your absolute indifference
Your avarice, incompetence
Your Arrogance, your Ignorance and your Greed.
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Show of Hands - Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed - En annan video av samma låt.
Show of Hands hemsida - utforska denna suveräna duo och här finns många skivor att köpa!
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