Since I'm so far behind on my reviews -- the stack on my printer stands at 29 as of Friday -- I'm going to temporarily abandon my aim to be comprehensive and polished, and instead embrace quick daily capsule reviews for about the next month. We'll see how that works out in practice, but I'll begin with a clutch of graphic novels that need to get back to the library soon.
There are two possible failure modes: that I write just as long as I ever did, since being shorter is more difficult; or that I do this for a day or two and then quickly fall off the wagon, never to speak of this again, and give up on reviewing some or all of the stuff I've read this year. But, however it happens, I need to get rid of that stack of books before it falls over and kills me. So here goes.
Blog Archive
- Read in May
- Flummigt men ack så härligt
- It's a Hell of a Town
- Oväntat besök
- Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow...
- Today Needs Some Feedback and Fuzzy Guitars
- Incoming Books: three or four days ago
- Ready for Another Tour of the Sublimely Hideous J...
- Reviewing the Mail: Week of 5/26
- What a Pile of Books Demanding to Be Reviewed Look...
- In under huden
- Reviewing the Mail: Week of 5/19
- Occupy This Album
- Incoming Books: May 19th
- 2011 Nebula Winners!
- Patently Silly by Daniel Wright
- One Soul by Ray Fawkes
- I Love Kawaii, Selected by Charuca
- Ethics: Not Always Profitable
- Patents, Patents Everywhere
- Big Questions by Anders Nilsen
- Even More Awards You Probably Know About Already
- You've Probably Seen This Already
- Reviewing the Mail: Week of 5/12
- Mangaman by Barry Lyga and Colleen Doran
- Medveten glömska
- The New Regime
- Incoming Books: May 12th
- Those Pesky Facts Again
- Minnet är ett minne
- Reviewing the Mail: Week of 5/5
- Incoming Books: Free Comic Book Day!
- How Green Is My E-Book?
- Bad Island by Doug TenNapel
- Intryck första maj
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