Relevant to My Interests

Much of my staring-at-electronic-boxes time recently has been spent with my younger son (Thing 2) watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes. It's fun dad-son bonding time, and also means that my time chasing down most of the boxed sets wasn't totally wasted. (My time taping nearly all of seasons 8-10 was, though, since those weren't saved from last year's flood.)

And I'm obviously fond of my own do-the-same-thing-every-day stunts here.

So I was intrigued by MST3K-A-Day, in which some guy who calls himself Culby is watching every single episode in order (well, starting after the first three KTMA shows, which are not known to exist outside of the Best Brains vaults), one every day, for the next nearly 200 days. So far, it looks like the early KTMA episodes are just as painful to the audience as they were to Joel and the bots, but I'm hopeful it will be more fun for ol' Culby before too long, as well.

(And, as a sidebar, does anyone out there know of a good source for the episodes that aren't on video? I'd like to at least replace the stuff I had and lost.)